Well, Here I am rested and enjoying the sun (finally caught him here in Florida!). I have had plenty of time to reflect both during and after this trek about...well about things. So here they are...
People are basically nice
So much of our culture/media portray people in a negative light. Sure there are people out there that fulfill that image, but I have found on my east coast journey that the masses are basically nice! They are helpful and go out of their way to be a help to you. I experienced so many people that helped me find my way back when I was lost, donate to the missionaries when they heard, offer to meet me along my journey, feed me when I was out of food, offer me water/drinks on hot days, etc, etc, etc.
Sometimes its all about the goal
This trip began with a personal dream, was encouraged by my wife when I wavered, but toward the end of my journey it became all about the missionaries. 6 weeks is a long time to be alone with your thoughts, with your bike and with the "4H's" (Hills, Heat, Headwinds and Hateful chasing dogs). So toward the end it became all about helping the missionaries fulfill their calling on the various fields that the Lord has called them to.
Pursue your dreams
I have dreamed of doing a long trip like this for over 10 years. However, at my age and station of life it seemed like something that I would always just think and talk about. But I never gave up. About 6 months ago I almost gave up on this trip, but my wife encouraged me saying that my kids would look back on this and it would inspire them to attempt great things in their lives. That was all I needed to hear! I was all in after that...thank you my wife!
Silence is good
If you know me at all, you know that I am a people person. My wife at times gets a little exasperated with me because I invite people over without consulting her. I can understand her position, but I find that I cannot help it (not an excuse, just admitting a personality disorder). But early on in my trip someone commented that since I was doing this alone, I was sort of on a silent retreat. Wow! That put a different spin on this time alone, which I knew was going to be hard for me. So I thought...about ministry, family, my wonderful wife, the past, the future. I prayed...for my congregation, my family, my sanctification. I meditated...on Scripture. In a world that barely gives you a moment alone anymore, this silence was good for my soul.
Independence is not all it's cracked up to be
Many people do things like this to prove their independence, their self-sufficiency, that they are indeed an island. I would say that this trip proved to me that being dependent on people is OK. I got to the point that I loved when people offered their help. I loved when people asked if they could ride a day or two with me as Lou and Adrian did (thank you!). I loved when friends offered their time, homes and encouragement to me along the way (Thank you James family, my parents, Kathy, Walt, and Jesse, Scott Jenkins, the Gordon family, Beryl, Dick Donohoe, Ben and Jackie and the Zielinski family!) I was taken care of in royal fashion as I treked down the coast.
This country is amazing!
Even though I only saw the east coast of America, a relatively small section of our country, it is simply amazing. From the rocky, pine-peppered coast of Maine, to the beautiful hills (and yes mountians!) of New Hampshire, Massachusetts and Connecticut. From the gorgeous Delaware Valley to the open air vistas of the Chesapeake. From the American history steeped in Virginia and the Carolinas to the pristine Outer Banks. From the deep, rich culture of Charleston, Savannah and St Augustine to new vitality of Naples. This country is amazing!
My heavenly Father took good care of me!
When I think of all the miles I rode and all the days on the road, there could have been so many things that could have happened to me (I'll let you imagineation take over here since the list is long). But nothing happened! Not a flat tire, not a breakdown along the road, no theft of equipment! I never had a physical issue. My legs never agve out, I didn't pull anything. I always got to the end of the day and had a campsite and/or motel with room, and the dogs never caught me. In short, nothing bad happened to me on the entire 6 week journey! Thank you and praise you heavenly Father. You are GOOD!
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