A beautiful moring to ride! Mid-60's, sunny, quiet. Made my way out of amelia Island through the parks. Had to take a ferry across the river to the mainland when I got to the proverbial "end of the road."
I had to stop and get something at CVS and while I was waiting in line there was a gentleman that looked in his 60's checking out ahead of me. The woman told him that his total was "1929" and he looked at her with a smile and pounded his chest and said, "That gets me right here." The girl behind the counter did not know what he was referring to so I piped in, "That was the year of the crash and the start of the great depression, right?" The man and I talked for a while outside and it turns out that he was 96 years old! He was 15 when the crash happened! He was in the Navy and fought in WWII, Korea and Vietnam! What and intersting man. As he was leaving he told me that he was headed out tonight to got dancing! He was a very affable and down to earth man. That's how I want to be when I am his age!
Rode next to the ocean for much of the day (Pictured). Had my ipod playing some of my favorite beach music...it was idyllic. Stopped for a rest and a slurpee (that's what they called them in Pittsburgh anyway...pictured) at a roadside store. It was refreshing and re-energizing. After that it was on to St Augustine (pictured)
I miscalculated how far St Augustine and Brian and Christa's house was so I had a 90+ mile day, my longest so far. Brian came out to greet me about 6 miles from their house on his bike. We rode together and talked the last 45 minutes or so. Thanks Brian!
After spending some time catching up, Brian and I headed out to watch Monday Night Football and get some wings. Nothing like that combo!
I am a day ahead of schedule, so I am going to stay here two nights and visit St Augustine tomorrow, billed as America's oldest city.
Til Tomorrow...
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