Miles: 94.7
Final Destination: Fort Meyers, FL
Had my "wing man" that as been with me the whole time riding alongside this morning (pictured.) He and I have grown quite close. It's amazing the conversations we have had. If this trip lasted a little longer, he might have even started talking back!
It was an easy morning in the saddle as the wind was at my back. Wended my way through farmland and orange groves again.
After lunch the wing changed direction and was a pretty hefty headwind off my left shoulder. Had to stop more frequently and rest/eat. As I was riding I saw my first "Naples" sign (pictured). Hurray!!
Made it to Fort Meyers, my last night of the bike trip. I am staying in the Tahitian Inn. However, there is not a trace of anything South Pacific...interesting.
Tomorrow I have an easy day (35 miles or so) from here to snapping that finish line in Naples.
Looks like my trip will be a little shy of the 2,600 billed at the beginning, but I think that 2,300 and change is good 'nough.
Til Tomorrow...
We all will celebrate in the House of the Lord today for His preserving you and your body over these many miles, & for giving youball that you've needed to finish well! Praise God & you! R &S Johnson