Miles: 55.9 Final Destination: Nags Head,NC (Outer Banks) Today was a gorgeous day to ride! (Check out the video I posted!) high 60's, sunny, awesome. Stopped at several interesting locations today because my beautiful wife Carrie has taught me to not be so goal oriented. When I get on the road it's is point A to point B. Well, today she will be happy to know I stopped to look at the biggest Hammock in the world...sorry, not the biggest ball of string honey:( (Pictured) I also saw something I have never seen before, a chain gang (pictured). Inmates cleaning up the roads of NC in traditional striped garb. Didn't know they did that anumore. Took a snack break and sat on the steps of an old "colored" schoolhouse (pictured). They are trying to raise money to restore it. Thought about all the kids who went up the stairs I sat on in years gone by... Crossed the 3-mile bridge onto the Outer Banks a little after noon (pictured). No bike lane but cars were kind. Rode by the little hill where the Wright brothers experienced 24 seconds of flight for the first time (pictured). Oh how far we have come in a little over 100 years! My Grandmother Dody used to say that she lived in the most exciting time in history, from the horse and buggy to men standing on the moon. She was right! There will no be another century period of time with such advances in the space of one lifetime. Today was the first day I did not reach my planned destination. I made the decision to stop short and get a motel since I did not have a shower last night (no showers at the campground last night!) Kathy, my sister, is literally gasping in horror as she reads this. Best $45 I ever spent. It is right on the beach (pictured)! Hey Henry and Don, how about this year's elders retreat in January at this spot! Til Tomorrow... Pictured: I'm in the land of Sonic restaurants (one of Carrie's favorites) Don't worry honey, I did not eat one without you this time :)
I am sufficiently horrified Blake - (just kidding). I am glad you opted for motel and shower over destination....