Miles: 75.9
Final Destination: Cape carteret, NC
I've never had someone "knock" on my tent, but the man in the camper next to my tent site came over after I was in my sleeping bag and asked if I wanted to come in and see his camper. We had talked earlier and I expressed interest, but he had to go meet a friend for dinner. I accepted and what a camper it was! It was only about 15' long, but it had everything (sleeps 6-8, frig, freezer, range, oven, sink x2, AC, heat and a bathroom!). Carrie, I want one! We talked and he shared some homemade as well as home grown salsa with me (hot! and I paid for it the next day). Thanks for the camper hospitality Jim!
Got up @ 5am and packed up in the dark to catch the 7am ferry off of Ocracoke island. I had to realy hunmp it to catch the ferry as I was 5+ miles out of town and I got a late start. I got there just as the last car was being loaded...whew! The next one was 2.5 hours later and that would have made it impossible to reach the next destination. It was such a relaxing 2.5 hour ride over to the mainland Goodbye OBX). I watched the sunrise over the water again (pictured, I don't think I will ever get bored of that view) The Nuttyputty riders were on the ferry as well and so we talked, laughed and comiserated about our respective trips.
We all got off together and there was a motel/restaurant at the dock. We all went in and they had a continental breakfast for $3.50. There were another 3 cyclers there as well so the 8 of us literally ate them out of "house and home." They had to keep bring more bagels, milk, cereal, etc out to us. The other 3 cyclers were doing the east coast route as well. They were from Alaska and flew in to DC and started from there. They are going to Key West where the adventure cycling maps end.
During breakfast one of them asked me if I was, "Chasing the sun" as well. I had to admit that I had no idea what he was referring to. He explained that we were riding south and we are leaving the colder weather and trying to catch up to the "warmer" weather. I guess I am 'chasing the sun' after all. (I have to learn more cycler's lingo)
I rode with the Nutyy Putty Cyclers for most of the morning. It was so good to ride side-by-side again and just talk. They are all of the Mormon faith so I had a wonderful time talking with them about their faith. Loved the discussion!! After several hours I peeled off as they were headed for a friend-of-a-friend's house for the night off map. I hope to meet up with them again in Surf City and do another day with them, Lord willing.
The afternoon was uneventful. Listened to my ipod and put one foot in front of the other. I decided to get a motel room for the night and do some MUCH needed laundry.
Til Tomorrow...
Man I am jealous. I love the smell of bicycle fuel in the morning. Next trip your wing man will return! Be safe, we will see you next week in GA.---Ben