Miles: 39.3
Final Destination: Downingtown, PA (Mac and Lisa Gordon's)
Goodbye Stockton Inn (pictured). What a wonderful provision, a really nice B&B. Stopped on my way out of town for a Blueberry muffin (nothing like Maine's blueberries and the Muffin Co. Ginny). Ate while riding down next to the river in the early morning, Nice. About an hour later crossed over the river and left my traveling companion for good...Thanks Del. River.
The town I road through on the other side had a working old steam engine (pictured) which I watched for a few minutes. Amazing piece of machinery, Finn.
I rode all morning and met a good friend Scott Jenkins for lunch just north of Philly. He comes up and spends 4-5 weeks in SW Harbor during the summers in a house just down the road from the church. We ate and then he took me on a whirlwind tour of Philly (pictured, William Penn on top of building spire) by car! (Much easier) He knew so much about the history of the city it was like a paid guided tour...thanks so much Scott!
We stopped along the way at a crocket club (pictured) fields and firlds of perfectly manicured grass (There's your goal Steve). They were holding the world championchips, the biggest gathering of crochet players in the world...151. Everyone was dressed in all-white, in fact I learned that wearing any color is very, very discouraged, almost illegal. It was such a gentile environment, another "age-gone-by" experience.
He then took me to his church, Bryn Mar Presbyterian (Pictured). It was truly awe-inspiring. Very cathedral-like, stone, stained glass, cavernous. Pictured is their pipe organ, an impressive one for sure. (How about starting a fund to buy ones of these Elaine?)
Scott offered to drive me out to Downingtown, PA to my final destination, and I took him up on it!
It was so great to see my old college friends Mac and Lisa (pictured). They are real wonderful people with a gift of hospitality. It was fun catching up on life and talking about the "good" old days in college. Thanks Gordon's for everything!
I'mm off to Lancaster, PA for a 2-day pastor's conference and a couple of days of much needed rest for my legs.
Till Wednesday...
Pictured (sideways...sorry):
Ages Gone By: old stone mill by creek. Once the center of town producing milled grain, now overgrown, brokendown, forgotten
Missed the blog for a few days. Sorry about that. I had to drive to camp, it seems it is a lot quicker to drive then to bike :)